Mozart Clarinet Quintet, recorded live at the concert in Ljubljana: Jesenske serenade, GML
Carl Maria von Weber: Clarinet Concerto N.2 in E-flat Major Op.74 with Sinfonieorchester Basel, Stadtcasino
W.A. Mozart, Clarinet Concerto, II. Adagio
Carl Maria von Weber, Concertino Op. 26
Carl Maria von Weber: Concertino Op. 26
W. A. Mozart Clarinet Concerto
1. Allegro
W. A. Mozart: Clarinet Concerto in A major, K. 622
VIto Žuraj: Burleska
conductor: Marko Letonja
Orchestra Leonore Pistoia
conductor: Daniele Giorgi
Mendelssohn: Symphony No. 3 "Scottish"
Koncertni cikel Akademije za glasbo v Ljubljani
Felix Mendelssohn: Concert pieces Op.113 and Op.114
with Martina Strasser
Part of some of the shows in Basel, CH
25. - 29. 10. Switzerland, in Basel, Bern an Zürich + SRF public recording, details in link below
Orchestra Leonore Pistoia
Così fan tutte, W.A. Mozart
Teatro Manzoni
conductor: Daniele Giorgi
New Music Forum
Ljubljana, Slovenija 26.11. 2023, Klub Cankarjevega doma
New Music Forum Ensemble
(playing clarinet & bass clarinet)
Zubel, Bertrand, Bäng
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Kvintet za klarinet in godala v A-duru, KV 581
Julija Vrabec, klarinet
Janez Podlesek, violina
Ana Julija Mlejnik Železnik, violina
Nejc Mikolič, viola
Tamara Gombač, violončelo
Koncert z besedo povezuje Kristijan Koželj.
Besedila je izbral Kristijan Koželj.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart :
Kvintet za klarinet in godala v A-duru, KV 581
Allegretto con variazioni
City Light Symphony Orchestra
Summer festivals with the Charlie Chaplin classics and The Planets by Holst.
19.8. 2023 Open Classics am Rhein The Circus
26.8. "The Planets" Mainz Rheingau Musik Festival
Francesca Gaza & KUGELFÖRMIGKEIT Ensemble
Chamber Academy Basel
Hochschule für Musik Basel
Don Bosco, 20.10. 2022
Festival Kitarika
Glasbena šola Koper
V duetu z Erico Poropat (kitara)
SCHLUSSKONZERT with Sinfonieorchester BASEL
Carl Maria von Weber, Concerto N.2 for Clarinet and Orchestra
Masterrezital (Solistin)
11.6. 2022
Hochschule für Musik Basel
Berg, Brahms, Poulenc, Benda, Debussy
C.M. VON WEBER: Koncert za klarinet in orkester št.2 v Es-duru
Orkester RTV Slovenija
Radio and Television Orchestra Slovenia (RTV)
25.11. 2021
Dvorana Union, Maribor
Kammermusik Festival
Hochschule für Musik Basel
30.10. 2021
Scarlatti/Dinu Lipatti Sonatas
mentor: prof. Felix Renggli
ZHdK, Hochschule für Musik Basel
Tonhalle Zürich, Martinkirche Basel
G. Mahler, R.Strauss
O glasbi, poeziji in študiju klarineta v Kopru, Ljubljani in Švici.
About music, poetry and studying in Slovenia and abroad.
Works of W.A. Mozart, C.M von Weber and a contemporary project by Gašper Livk.
CLUJ International Competition - Romania
Watch 2nd round online:
19.5. 2021
Recital at Hochschule für Musik Basel
4.6. 2021
Sobrio Festival, Switzerland, July 2020
Musiche di Mozart e Poulenc
Dirigent: Iztok Kocen
Komorni orkester
solistka: Mojca Bitenc
Spored: Gustav Mahler: Simfonija št. 1 in Iztok Kocen: Samospevi
W. A. Mozart: Clarinet Concerto with RTV Slovenija
Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija
*Cancelled due to Covid19 regulations
(odpovedano zaradi ukrepov)
(cancelled because of Covid19 restrictions)
Dvorana Union, Maribor
26. november 2020
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Koncert za klarinet in orkester v A-duru, K. 622
Franz Schubert: Simfonija št. 2 v B-duru, D. 125
W. A. Mozart: Clarinet Quintet in A-major
Jesenske serenade
Nove glasbene generacije
Posnetek koncerta v Mestnem muzeju Ljubljana v organizaciji Glasbene Mladine Ljubljanske
Soloist with Radio Television Orchestra RTV Slovenija and conductor Rossen Milanov
C.M. Von Weber: Concerto N.2 for Clarinet and Orchestra with RTV
Concert and interview
Julija Vrabec began her clarinet studies with prof. Borut Vatovec at the Music school Koper and continued her education at the Art Gymnasium Koper with the same professor. She graduated in Ljubljana (Slovenia) with prof. Jože Kotar and finished her Master Performance studies in the class of prof. François Benda at the Conservatorio Svizzera Italiana in September 2020.
She completed her Specialised Music Performance studies with a Solo Performance Major at the FHNW Hochschule für Musik in Basel in 2022 and her Post-Graduate studies in 2023. She is currently self-employed as a professional musician in Basel.
She has been achieving high results on international competitions, such as Carlino, Emona, Krško, Euritmia and Temsig, where she recieved the prize for the most promissing young musician in 2007. in 2024, she won the 1st prize at the 7th Swiss International Music Competition based in Lugano (online). During her studies, she won the first place at the International competition Carlino for clarinet players, International competition Svirel and twice at the national competition TEMSIG Slovenija in soloist and chamber category. She has also been chosen as semifinalist of the Lisbon International Competition, Bela Kovacs international competition and has been invited as one of the 24 clarinetists to participate in the Nielsen International Competition in Odense. She also recently achieved high results on different online competitions, such as the first prize on the first Iscart competition (Lugano, Switzerland) in her category, third prize at the Music Competition France 2021 as well as Samnium University International Audition awards and 3rd place at the Vienna New Year's Concert International Competition.
She recieved the Prešeren prize of the Academy of music Ljubljana for her interpretation of the Mozart clarinet concerto.
As soloist, she performed C.M. von Weber's Concerto n.2 for clarinet and orchestra with the Sinfonieorchester Basel on the Schlusskonzert organised by the Hochschule für Musik Basel. Before that, she performed W. A. Mozart’s clarinet concerto with the National Theatre Orchestra Maribor in the cycle of Academy of music Ljubljana, at the Manager concert 2019 with the Radio Television Slovenia in the Gallus Hall, Felix Mendelssohn's Konzertstücke duet with the Slovenia National Theater and Opera Ljubljana Orchestra and C.M. von Weber's Concertino with the Radio Television Orchestra Slovenia in March 2020. She also performed C.M. von Weber's Concerto n.2 for clarinet and orchestra in November 2021 with Slovenia RTV Orchestra and conductor Rossen Milanov in the Union Hall Maribor as part of the Narodni dom Maribor Orchestral concert cycle.
She was a member of the Mediterranean Youth Orchestra (OJM) coached by the London Symphony Orchestra members, Ljubljana International Orchestra (LIO) and participated in projects with the SJSO orchestra, based in Switzerland. She also collaborated with the Slovenian Philharmonic Orchestra, Radio Television Orchestra Slovenia (RTV), Argovia Philharmonic Orchestra Orchestra and Mantova chamber orchestra as substitute. She is frequently participating in projects with City Light Orchestra Switzerland) and Orchestra Leonore Pistoia (Italy).
She is also very passionate about participating in various classical and contemporary chamber music projects, with which she performed on Biennale of contemporary music Koper, World music days 2015, Sobrio Festival, Festival Ljubljana, Lent, Imago Sloveniae, Branimir Slokar Academy, Slowind Spring Festival, GM Youth stage and Music Youth of Ljubljana concert cycles. She also performed solo recitals in Križanke Knight hall, Union Hall Maribor and Magistrat Town Hall of Ljubljana as well as at the Conservatorio Svizzera Italiana concert cycles.
She is attending masterclasses of internationally renowned clarinetists, such as Charles Neidich, Pascal Moragues, François Benda, Paolo Beltramini, Mate Bekavac, Milan Rericha, Sabine Meyer, Lars Wouters, Shirley Brill, Robert Spring and others.
Private teaching
ONLINE - feel free to write Your inquiry in the contact form at the end of the page
CONCERT and AUDITION preparation
Julija Vrabec je glasbeno pot pričela z osmimi leti pod mentorstvom prof. Boruta Vatovca na Glasbeni šoli Koper in nadaljevala študij na Umetniški Gimaziji Koper. Poleg študija na Akademiji za glasbo Ljubljana pod mentorstvom prof. Jožeta Kotarja, kjer je tudi prejela Prešernovo nagrado za izvedbo koncerta W.A. Mozarta za klarinet in orkester, je nadgradila svoje glasbeno znanje na Konservatoriju italijanske Švice v Luganu v razredu prof. Françoisa Bende ter se še dodatno izpopolnila v okviru programa za solistično specializacijo na Univerzi FHNW, Hochschule für Musik v Baslu.
V času svojega dosedanjega študija je dosegla visoke rezultate na mednarodnih tekmovanjih, kot so Carlino, Emona, Krško, Euritmia, Svirel, je dvakratna zmagovalka državnega tekmovanja Temsig (2007 in 2016), zmagovalka mednarodnih tekmovanj Krško in Carlino, v času študija v Luganu pa se je kot ena izmed 24ih izbranih klarinetistov imela priliko predstaviti na enem najbolj odmevnih solističnih tekmovanj Carl Nielsen International Competition 2019. V letu 2020 se je udeležila tudi tekmovanj preko spleta ter prejela prvo nagrado na prvem mednarodnem tekmovanju Iscart (Lugano) in tretje mesto na Vienna New Year's Concert International Competition ter tretjo nagrado na spletnih tekmovanjih France Music Competition in Samnium University International Audition awards.
Kot solistka in komorna glasbenica je sodelovala na Svetovnih glasbenih dnevih 2015, festivalu Opera in šampanjec, festivalu Slowindove pomladi, Lent, Imago, GM odru Slovenija, ciklov GML, Mladi Virtuozi, Branimir Slokar Academy, Biennalu sodobne glasbe Koper in Festivalu Ljubljana. Nastopila je na recitalih v Viteški dvorani v Križankah, Rdeči dvorani Magistrata v Ljubljani in Unionski dvorani v Mariboru.
Kot solistka je junija 2022 nastopila na Schlusskonzertu Akademije za glasbo v Baslu z Webrovim Koncertom za klarinet in orkester št.2 ob spremljavi orkestra Sinfonieorchester Basel. Prav tako se je februarja 2018 predstavila z Mozartovim koncertom za klarinet ob spremljavi orkestra SNG Maribor, z Mendelssohnovima Koncertnima skladbama za duet klarinetov z Martino Strasser ob spremljavi orkestra SNG Ljubljana v okviru koncertnega cikla Akademije za glasbo Ljubljana leta 2019 ter v okviru Managerskega koncerta 2019, ki ga organizira Ustanova Klasika ob spremljavi orkestra RTV Slovenija z Adagiom iz Mozartovega koncerta za klarinet in orkester. Marca 2020 je v okviru cikla Akademije za glasbo Ljubljana kot solistka z Orkestrom RTV Slovenija nastopila še z Webrovim Concertinom za klarinet in orkester.
Novembra 2021 je kot solistka z Orkestrom RTV Slovenije pod taktirko dirigenta Rossena Milanova sodelovala v ciklu Narodnega doma Maribor s koncertom za klarinet in orkester C.M. von Webra št. v Dvorani Union v Mariboru.
Kot substitutka je sodelovala v projektih orkestra RTV Slovenija, orkestra Slovenske filharmonije, orkestra Leonore Pistoia, Komornega orkestra Mantova, City Light Orkestra v Luzernu in Argovia Philharmonic Orkestra. Sodelovala je tudi s Slovenskim komornim orkestrom Dunaj, orkestrom Alumni, bila članica Mediteranskega mladinskega orkestra (MYO) ter Ljubljana International Orchestra (LIO) ter sodelovala v projektih SJSO Orkestra v Švici.
Bila je članica ansamblov za sodobno glasbo Microsonus in Stere, letos je sodelovala tudi v ansamblu za sodobno glasbo Diagonal v okviru Akademije za glasbo v Baslu. S kvartetom klarinetov A vista pod mentorstvom profesorja Jožeta Kotarja so prejeli prvo nagrado na tekmovanjih Temsig, Carlino (Italija) ter nastopili v okviru številnih festivalov in dogodkov pri nas in v tujini.
Prav tako se udeležuje mojstrskih tečajev mednarodno priznanih klarinetistov, kot so Charles Neidich, Paolo Beltramini, Mate Bekavac, Jozsef Balogh, Milan Rericha, Shirley Brill, Davide Lattuada, Sabine Meyer, Reinhold Wehle, Lars Wouters in drugi.
Julija Vrabec nahm ihr Klarinettenstudium bei Prof. Borut Vatovec an der Musikschule Koper auf und setzte ihre Ausbildung am Kunstgymnasium Koper fort. Nach dem Gymnasium absolvierte sie ihr Studium in Ljubljana (Slowenien) bei Prof. Jože
Kotar und legte ihr Performance Masterstudium am Konservatorium Svizzera italiana (CSI) in der Klasse von François Benda. Sie schloss sie ihr Studium an der FHNW Hochschule für Musik in Basel mit einen Abschluss in spezialisierter Musikperformance mit dem Schwerpunkt Solo Performance und absolviert dort auch die Ergänzungsstudium.
Als Solistin spielte sie mit Sinfonieorchester des Slowenischen National-Theaters und Slowenisches Rundfunk- und Fernsehorchester (RTV) und im Rahmen des Schlusskonzert der Musikakademie Basel mit dem Sinfonieorchester Basel.
Sie nahm an Projekten mit dem SJSO-Orchester (Schweiz), MYO (Aix-en-Provence), LIO (Ljubljana), Orchester Leonore Pistoia (Italien) und mit dem City Light Orchestra (Luzern).
Sie arbeitete auch mit dem Slowenischen Philharmonischen Orchester, dem Radio-Orchester Slowenien (RTV), dem Philharmonischen Orchester Argovia und dem Kammerorchester Mantova als Substitutin zusammen.
Sie hat bei internationalen Wettbewerben wie Carlino, Emona, Krško, Euritmia und Temsig,
wo sie 2007 den Preis für die vielversprechendste junge Musikerin erhielt, gute Ergebnisse
erzielt. Während ihres Studiums gewann sie den ersten Platz beim Internationalen Wettbewerb Carlino für Klarinettisten, beim Internationalen Wettbewerb Svirel und zweimal beim nationalen Wettbewerb TEMSIG Slovenija in der Kategorie Solist und Kammermusik.
Mit großer Leidenschaft nimmt sie an verschiedenen klassischen und zeitgenössischen Kammermusikprojekten teil, mit denen sie auf der Biennale für zeitgenössische Musik Koper, den Weltmusiktagen 2015, dem Sobrio Festival, Offbeat Jazzfestival, Festival Ljubljana, Lent und Imago Sloveniae. Sie war Mitglied des Klarinettenquartetts A vista, der zeitgenössischen Musikgruppen Stere, Microsonus und der Folklorgruppe Zingelci. Sie erhielt den Prešeren-Preis der Musikakademie Ljubljana für ihre Interpretation des Klarinettenkonzerts von Mozart.
Orchestral Academies
Mediterranean Youth Orchestra
Aix de Provence Festival
Conductor: Marko Letonja
V. ŽURAJ: Burlesque
M. P. MUSORGSKI: Songs and Dances of Death
D. SHOSTAKOVICH: Symphony No. 9 in E flat major, Op. 70
R. STRAUSS: Till Eulenspiegel‘s Merry Pranks, Op. 28
Ljubljana International Orchestra
conductor: Živa Ploj Peršuh
Orchestra Leonore Pistoia
LISTEN 2.0 Concerto
SJSO Schweizer Jugend-Sinfonie Orchester - Herbsttournee 2018
Bass clarinet - substitute
Managerski koncert
14. december 2019
Donatorska prireditev za nadarjene glasbenike
Ustanova Klasika
Orkester RTV Slovenija
solisti: Stefan Milenković, Marko Hatlak, Blaž Ogrič, Julija Vrabec
Mladi virtuozi
Intervju in posnetek s koncerta
Festival Ljubljana
J. Brahms: Sonata v Es duru št. 2 ,op. 120
L. Bernstein: Sonata za klarinet in klavir
A. Čopi: Humoreska
Nielsen Competition
Odense, Denmark
Festival Lent
J. Brahms: Sonata No.1 in f-minor
C.M. Widor: Introduction et Rondo
Studio za sodobno glasbo AG Ljubljana
Luigi Nono: Polifonica-Monodia-Ritmica (1951)
Rebecca Saunders: Quartet
mentors: Luka Juhart, Steven Loy
Studio za sodobno glasbo AG Ljubljana
V sodelovanju z Akademijo za glasba Ljubljana in Slowind festivalom
Kvartet A vista
Kvartet klarinetov A vista
Aljaž Kalin Kante (klarinet, es klarinet)
Julija Vrabec (klarinet)
Martina Strasser (klarinet)
David Gregorc (basovski klarinet)
Spored: F. Farkas, G. Janos, L. Firšt, A, Piazzolla
Kvartet A vista
Clarinet quartets
Kvartet A vista
Aljaž Kalin Kante, Martina Strasser, David Gregorc, Julija Vrabec
Georg Friedrich Händel: Prihod kraljice iz Sabe
Bojan Glavina: Signali
Gyulai Gaal Janos: Štiri romantične skladbe
George Gershwin: Trije preludiji
Astor Piazzolla: Teme de Maria
Jean Francaix: Petit Quartor
Raymond Decancq: A playful quartet
Gašper Livk
CELOTA za enajst improvizatorjev (2016) *krstna izvedba
Festival di Musica da camera
Lugano, September 2020
Florent Schmitt: Sonatine en trio, Op. 85 for flute, clarinet and piano
Ludwig van Beethoven: Trio in B-flat major Op.11 for clarinet, cello and piano
Mini opere
Študenti kompozicije in dirigiranja AG Ljubljana v sodelovanju z AGRFT
Ansambel Stère
Young composers evening
Ljubljana, Slovenija
Microsonus Ensemble
conductor: Dominik Steklasa
What's new
solist: Domen Koren, saksofon
dirigent: Zoran Bičanin
komorni orkester
Arshia Samsaminia
Sabā the Wind za altovski saksofon in komorni orkester
Anže Rozman
Koncert za altovski saksofon in komorni orkester
I. Ideja
II. Boj z ravnino
III. Zagon in realizacija
Slovenski komorni orkester Dunaj
Nina Šenk: Dreamcatcher
conductor: Jera Petriček Hrastnik
P.I. Čajkovski: Simfonija št.5 v e-molu
A. Dvorak: Koncert za violončelo in orkester št. 2 v h-molu
dirigent: Zoran Bičanin
solist: Sebastian Bertoncelj
"Zingelci so bili ustanovljeni kot mlada godčevska skupina, ki izvaja ljudske plesne viže iz severne Istre, na osnovni šoli Antona Ukmarja v Kopru leta 2005. Ime skupine je narečnega izvora in je eno od številnih imen za ljudske godce v slovenski Istri."
Traditional Istrian Music
Istrska Ljudska Glasba
Classical Summer Lisbon, 2019
"Another American, Calvin Kim, showed total idiomatic mastery of Debussy’s Première Rhapsodie before unleashing the fireworks at the end. German mezzo-soprano Janina Staub set off her own fireworks in ‘Ach ich liebte’, which could have stepped off the stage of a major production of Die Entführung aus dem Serail. And in in Françaix’s sophisticated Theme and Variations, Slovenia’s Julija Vrabec was so perfectly in tune with its spirit — and with poise, natural charm and charismatic stage presence — that the audience went wild.
And then there was Bottesini’s iconic Tarantella — wonderfully, hopelessly in love — in which Portugal’s Gustavo Rocha convinced us that the double bass was made for singing love songs. Rocha’s astounding virtuosity would have been comic if he had not been so serious."
Johannes Brahms: Clarinet Sonata No.1 in f-minor, Op.120
Johannes Brahms: Clarinet Sonata No. 2 in E-flat Major, Op. 120
Francis Poulenc: Clarinet Sonata FP 184
Camille Saint-Saëns: Clarinet Sonata Op.167
Leonard Bernstein: Sonata for Clarinet and Piano
Joseph Horovitz: Sonatina for Clarinet and Piano
VIRTUOSO PIECES and miniatures
W. A. Mozart: Clarinet Concerto in A-major
Louis Spohr: Concerto no.4 in e-minor
C. M. von Weber: Concerto No. 1 in f-minor
C.M. von Weber: Concerto No. 2 in E-flat Major
Henri Tomasi: Clarinet Concerto
Jean Francaix: Clarinet Concerto
Aaron Copland: Clarinet Concerto
Claude Debussy: Première rhapsodie
Jean Francaix: Theme and Variations
Gioacchino Rossini: Introduction, Theme and Variations
C.M. von Weber: Concertino in E-flat major
Alban Berg: Vier Stücke
C.M. Widor: Introduction et rondo, Op.72
Ernest Chausson: Andante et Allegro
Witold Lutosławski: Dance preludes
Bohuslav Martinů: Sonatina
Edison Denisov: Sonata
Igor Stravinsky: Three pieces for clarinet solo
Márton Illés : Három akvarell klarinétra
Tobias Broström: La noche oscura
Finn Mortensen: Sonatina for clarinet solo
François Benda: Fragment III
Heinrich Sutermeister: Capriccio
Paul Harvey: Three Etudes on Themes of Gershwin
Béla Kovács: Hommages a:
Johann Sebastian Bach
Manuel De Falla
Richard Strauss
Claude Debussy
Jaka Pucihar: Sonata št.1
Ambrož Čopi: Humoreska
Dušan Bavdek: Geste mrtvega časa
Igor Dekleva: Igre menjav
Jani Golob: Groteska
Chamber music
Florent Schmitt: Sonatine en trio, Op.85 for flute, clarinet and piano
Ludwig van Beethoven: Trio in B-flat major, Op. 11 for clarinet, cello and piano
Jean Francaix: Petit quatuor for clarinet quartet
Felix Mendelssohn: Konzertstücke Op. 113 and 114
Rebecca Saunders: Quartet for accordion, clarinet, double-bass and piano
Aram Khachaturian: Trio for clarinet, violin and piano
Clarinet Quintet in A-Major C.M. von Weber: Clarinet Quintet
M. Bäng: Palinode
C. Bertrand: Madrigal D. Milhaud: Suite for violin, clarinet and piano
Leon Firšt: Clarinet Quartet
Rebecca Saunders: Quartet
Clara Iannotta: They left us grief-trees wailing at the wall (Ensemble)
Agata Zubel: Not I
Jacob ter Veldhuis: Insonnia
G. Connesson: Disco Toccata
L. van Beethoven: Duets for clarinet and bassoon
L. van Beethoven: Clarinet Trio Op.11 for clarinet, cello and piano
P. Hindemith: Ludus minor for clarinet and cello B.
H. Crusell: Clarinet duo n. 1, 2 and 3
F. Krommer: Concerto for 2 clarinets op.35
Hochschule für Musik Basel FHNW
Hochschule für Musik Basel FHNW
Master Specialized - Soloist
Mentor: prof. François Benda
Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana CSI
Mentor: prof. François Benda and prof. Jordi Pons
Conservatorio della Svizzera italiana
Academy of music Ljubljana
Mentor: prof. Jože Kotar
Akademija za glasbo Ljubljana
PAI - Pedagogy and Andragogy
Academy of music Ljubljana
Pedagoška in andragoška izobrazba
Music school and Gymnasium
Mentor: prof. Borut Vatovec